This installment was developed by the short-lived Sega Racing Studios for the PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, with the PSP version being developed by Bugbear Entertainment. Sega Rally Revo (2007): Simply known as Sega Rally in Europe, this non-arcade version includes three classes of cars (Premier, 4-wheel drive WRC-based cars like the Subaru Impreza Modified, 2-wheel drive cars like the VW Golf GTI and the Citroen C2 S1600 and Masters, classic rally cars like the Audi Quattro and the Lancia Delta all classes have secret unlockable cars), new stages, and a championship in which you have to earn points to unlock new leagues up to the finals.A special version included the original game as a port with option for 480p resolution. Sega Rally 2006 (2006): A Japanese-exclusive PlayStation 2 game intended to celebrate the series' ten year anniversary, it is the first in the series not to have an arcade release.